Modifications 71766

ATS trailers mods

What truck is complete without a trailer, right? Most of the time, when you’re in-game in the ATS universe, you’re pulling a trailer, transporting cargo and carrying huge loads. The trailer and driving it from point A to B earn you money in the game and what is essentially the primary goal of American Truck Simulator. However, even though SCS Software (game developers) have put in a lot of attention towards making unique and detailed trailers, over time, the cargo transport gets repetitive, and you can see the same-looking trailers over and over again.
There is, of course, trailer customization but in reality, downloading ATS trailers mods is a much quicker and simpler way of customizing your in-game trailers and modifying gameplay experience.
By downloading free trailer mods for American Truck Simulator from Gamersmods, you can transport, even more, bigger, heavier or more challenging cargo. For example, you can download a dump trailer mod or a mod for a trailer in the ATS game that will make your truck look like the Road Trains of Australia. There’s nothing like that if you’re looking for even bigger challenges or more realism. Speaking of which, you can download trailers that resemble those, biggest companies are using in real-life. You can look like you’re delivering FedEx shipments or transporting goods for Walmart.
All mods are completely free and available for download. Don’t forget to rate the ATS trailer mod if you enjoyed it.

Polar Pneumatic Dry Bulk trailer in the property
Advanced hitch
Cable simulation
Your loads
Available for transportation in regular orders
For the game version 1.40.x

Bansheewoj, KeithD

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

Ownable Ti-Brook Rear Dump
Advanced coupling
Cables simulation
Works on any maps
Tested on version 1.40.x

KeithD, bansheewoj

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

Transcraft Eagle Flatbed trailer in the property
Advanced coupling.
Simulation of cables.
Their loads.
Available for transportation in regular orders.
For the game version 1.40.x

Bansheewoj, KeithD

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

Ownable Merrit Livestock
Advanced coupling
Cables simulation
Works on any maps
Tested on version 1.40.x

KeithD, bansheewoj

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

Trailer has owned cargo
The Dro Reitnouer updated to 1.40 ownable

Corby, Dro Modding, Kyle Ats, Dejon Wade, B4RT Modding, KeithD

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

The Wilson Grain Hopper updated to 1.40 ownable, enjoy!
Tested on 1.40 version

mc40in, Jazzycat, KeithD

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

– Autonomous
– Cable support
– 3 axle options
– Support animation
– 10 cargoes, registered in 24 companies

OveRTRucK, Keith D

American truck simulator mods / Trailers

Planas Manac Darkwing

May 24, 2021

Planas Manac Darkwing


American truck simulator mods / Trailers