American truck simulator mods / Maps
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SCS Map Improvements v1.1.259 (1.39.x)

December 16, 2020

SCS Map Improvements – this mod improve default map from ATS game. the map has got some name rebranding so now it’s called “SCS map improvements” (with additions in every part of the mod with the area name which this part contains, example “SCS map improvements – Bellingham heights). I decided to do this way because of going more forward and not stopping only in Bellingham area.

Features SCS Map Improvements:
– separated in 2 parts;
– add custom changes to the default ATS map;
– requires all DLC;
– not compatible with CanaDream Map.

Now the map are separated to parts:
-“Base” scs file is a mandatory part (contains models and definition part of the map).
– Other parts are can be installed by everyone’s wish (depended of which territory are needed to be improved for him):
– “Bellingham Heights” – Former “Bellingham Heights improvements” file but without models and defs.
– “Untitled others” – sectors in Oregon which open hidden roads in Oregon (will be renamed as soon as I will start working in Oregon)

Changes in v1.1.259:
– optimised vegetation near “Welcome”, “Glacier”, “Burlington, WA” for more FPS
– fixed error with houses in “Burlington, WA”.
– (ProMods FIX) small fixes of the entance to CA-US border (yellow line correction)

