Modifications 71766

ETS2 others mods.

Even though we have over 10 categories of unique mods for ETS 2, not all of them can be categorized. You can find a lot of modifications for the game that aren’t a map, truck or sound modification, they’re a lot different. For example, you could have a change of a very particular gaming mechanic, like lights, gates, doors, etc. You can also have snow for the map which changes the look of the environment as well as driving difficulty. There are also AI mods which make the AI cars behave differently (smarter) or something like a physics mod to change driving characteristics. Also common are graphics mods that use various sorts of coding and technology to make textures clearer and manipulate lighting effects in such a away that they add more immersion and make everything seem more like real life rather than just a game.
If you aren’t able to find the category for a mod that you’re looking for, it’s highly possible that the modification is simply listed under ‘Other’. Take a look around to see if you can find the modification in question for ETS 2.
Most of these modifications are installed the same way as other mods (unpack and place the file in /mod folder) but others have unique setup ways. Check out the mod description before downloading and make sure you understand the instruction because graphic mods that aren’t installed properly could crash your game. Leave a review if you’re happy with how the mod works!

Improvements and fixes for Frosty v9.7

Improved road textures
Improved terrain textures
Vegetation improvements
Pedestrians in winter clothing
Reduced coloured terrain
Many fixes for Frosty v9.7

Changes in v2.0
Updated for
Further reduction of coloured terrain
Updated for maps

Place above Frosty v9.7


Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

Templates for the Tirsan DLC

February 12, 2024

Good time of day. I present templates for DLC Tirsan trailers from SCS. All templates are in the Tirsan DLC folder. There is also a registration for Mods Studio 2.
Open the User Vehicles folder and move all files to Documents/mods Studio 2/User Vehicles.
There is also a Tirsan folder. This folder contains previews for Mods Studio 2. Open the folder with the Mods Studio 2 program and follow the path Mods Studio 2\ Data\ModData\SCS\Vehicles\Images\Tirsan\ETS2 and copy the Tirsan folder here.


Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

Better Raindrops v1.9.4

February 12, 2024

Version 1.9.4:
– Add new texture and significantly increase number of raindrops
– Improved physical behaviour of particles, now their spawn will be more affected by truck position relatively to rain inclination.
– Reworked sound effects for wipers and rain
– New car splash trails
– Winter addon, replacing raindrops with snowflakes
– New audio settings for truck cabins improving reverberation and sound insulation
– Small update for the Base mod
– Improved interior and exterior rain sounds


Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

More readable dashboard display for DAF XF Euro 6

Version 2.0:
– Fixed for version 1.49
– Added new info screen – ETA & Rest


Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

TJS HD GPS Mod v1.4.1

February 12, 2024

Version 1.4.1:
– Made the new V2 gps available for driver-side fitting (See screenshots)

This mod uses the base game GPS, but if you have any other GPS mod that changes
the look and feel of the base GPS, this mod will adapt to that as well.

Supported Trucks Brand (As Windshield & Dashboard Accessories)
– Daf XF / XF Euro 6
– Iveco Hiway & Stralis
– Man TGX Euro 5 & TGX Euro 6
– Mercedes Actros & Actros 2014 (Only with media Cabin)
– Renault Magnum
– Scania 2016 R / S
– Scania R
– Scania Streamline
– Scania G400 by Quality3DMods
– Volvo FH 16 – FH 16 2012, Fh 1st Generation, FH 2020

Supported modded trucks
– Daf XF, XF 50K
– Iveco S
– Man TGA, TGS, TGS Euro 6
– Mercedes Actros 12, Antos 12, Arocs WTD, Axor, SLS AMG
– Renault Range T, C, K
– Scania 4, G, G 2016, P 2016, R4, T, T4, 113
– Sisu R 500
– Ural 8×4
– Freightliner Cascadia 2019
– International 9900i, Lonestar, LT

The Jetz Stream

Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

Tjs HD GPS Mod v1.4.0

February 8, 2024

Version 1.4.0:
– Added a new GPS for dashboard sets & windshield sets (check screenshots)

This mod uses the base game GPS, but if you have any other GPS mod that changes the look and feel of the base GPS, this mod will adapt to that as well.

Supported Trucks Brand (As Windshield & Dashboard Accessories)
– Daf XF / XF Euro 6
– Iveco Hiway & Stralis
– Man TGX Euro 5 & TGX Euro 6
– Mercedes Actros & Actros 2014 (Only with media Cabin)
– Renault Magnum
– Scania 2016 R / S
– Scania R
– Scania Streamline
– Scania G400 by Quality3DMods
– Volvo FH 16 – FH 16 2012, Fh 1st Generation, FH 2020

Supported modded trucks
– Daf XF, XF 50K
– Iveco S
– Man TGA, TGS, TGS Euro 6
– Mercedes Actros 12, Antos 12, Arocs WTD, Axor, SLS AMG
– Renault Range T, C, K
– Scania 4, G, G 2016, P 2016, R4, T, T4, 113
– Sisu R 500
– Ural 8×4
– Freightliner Cascadia 2019
– International 9900i, Lonestar, LT

The Jetz Stream

Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

Better Raindrops v1.9.3

February 8, 2024

Version 1.9.3:
– Slightly changed windshield particle behaviour
– Replaced wipers sound
– Tweaked interior and exterior rain sounds
– Removed wheel splash trails particles and exterior rain textures from Snowflakes addon for better compatibility with winter mods


Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others

This mod allows you to remove the Man TGX 2020 badge. The mod works in multiplayer, we simply have to start our game with the mod in singleplayer, make the modifications to our truck and once this is done, enter online (if possible deactivating the mod).
The following video shows the different configurations that we can do.

Este mod permite retirar la insignia del Man TGX 2020. El mod posee funcionamiento en el multiplayer, simplemente debemos de iniciar nuestra partida con el mod en el singleplayer, hacer las modificaciones en nuestro camión y una vez hecho esto ingresar al online (en lo posible desactivando el mod).
En el siguiente video, se demuestra las diferentes configuraciones que podemos hacer.

SCS Software, TEmaT (Ex EmaGamerYT)

Euro truck simulator 2 mods / Others