Farming simulator 2017 mods / Buildings
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Slow Soymilk Production v1.0.2

December 29, 2016

With LS17 soybeans came into the game. Unfortunately, they can only be sold, or you feed them to the pigs, so there is a new economy for them. Version 1.0.2 - Fixed bug for Dediserver GIANTS Editor 1.0.1 Function: - Delivery of raw materials (00:00 to 12:00): soybeans water fuel The following products are produced (07:00 to 19:00): liquid manure milk (can be sold at the dairy Trigger -> show the milk trigger ) swill Scoreboard: The user can switch between the goods receipt and goods issue (left mouse button), when standing in front of the display. Opening times Open / Close (Outside the respective opening times are no goods deliveries and pick-ups possible). Display whether the production is active. Lighting: It is fitted with the day-night light function Animations: Inside the factory there is a production animation in the pool, if production is active doors open and close automatically to the respective opening times Others: The emergency exit you can always escape from the building, once all the doors are closed and someone is in the building. OverloadPipe for Kotte Universal Pack of Farmer_Andy are installed. An installation manual with all the necessary entries modDesc.xml is attached in the filefolder as document (slow_soja.txt). The paths to adjust are also given there. Alternatively, there is the placeable version for those who can not cope with the Giants Editor. In this version unfortunately some functions are missing because it is script not technically possible at the time. Placeable Version 1.0.1 Click here for our placeable Version Missing features in the placeable Version: Interactive display (you can not switch between incoming and outgoing goods. It is always displayed everything) The doors are always open. Delivery around the clock possible since no opening times possible Authors: Model: slowtide63, Giants Script: kevink98, LS15: Marhu If in doubt go check the Modpresentation of ExitLP! Support is available on It is allowed to install the mod in mod maps, assuming that all of the credits above are given. Have fun!