Modifications 71691

FS19 addons mods

An addon is a term given to accessories or additional equipment that is developed by a third-party instead of the general developer. In Farming Simulator 19, addons mods are usually things and items that add more functionality to the game and are created by the mod author. That’s a fancy way of saying that mod author expands the functionality of some features or adds something to the game that wasn’t there before. Some addons are really powerful mods and can tremendously improve your gameplay experience while others can offer more realism or immersion after you install them.
Examples of addons include absolutely new control layouts, new mechanics, new buildings, etc. You can consider FS19 addons mods as very small, very tiny updates or expansions of the game that differ from regular mods. They combine new visuals with new mechanics, so they are serious mods that are often used by hardcore or experienced players who wish to expand the FS19 world.
All players can find free FS19 mods and FS19 addons on Gamersmods. Find out more about a particular modification or file by clicking on it. You can look at high-res pictures to get a sense of how everything looks in game as well as read a detailed specifications list to get a better understanding of how the addon works.


October 18, 2021

Die Karte ist an den Odenwald angepasst, daher kein realer Nachbau. Sie ist für Leute, die am liebsten mit kleinen bis mittelgroßen Traktoren spielen. 3 Höfe, 1 Shop, 1 BGA, 1 Schreiner (Holzverkauf) und 3 Verkaufspunkte sind auf der Map zu finden.

Version 1.0.5
– Kompost Station
– verkehr angepasst
– Shop licht ohne Lampe entfernt und “leucht” Schild und kleine Deko angebracht
– Gasthaus am Kreisverkehr mit seasons admirer gastgarten (kleiner Test),
– Transport Missionen
– Details
– Beschriftung Map

Das ist meine erste Karte “Odenwälderlande”, die ich gebaut habe.
Es ist eine Einfachkarte OHNE Produktionen – jetzt mit Mais+, PrecisionFarming und Seasons Unterstützung
Geplant ist die Karte in den LS22 zu konvertieren.
Hoffe sie gefällt euch, ich habe mir viel Mühe gegeben und hoffe ich kann ein paar von euch mit der Karte glücklich machen.
Über Feedback würde ich mich sehr freuen
Map Discord: Alte Gefilde

Timbered Farmpack | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
seasons admirer fix FS19_Timbered_Farmpack/FeedBarn.xml
Cowshed 3+3 | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
Small Grain Silo | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
Machineshed | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
TimberedFarm | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
seasons admirer fix FS19_TimberedFarm/fachwerkhaus.xml
Lizard Bunker Silo | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator

empfohlene Mods:
MaisPlus CCM Extension
MaisPlus Forage Extension
MaisPlus Forage Extension – Animal Food Additions
Seasons | ModHub | Landwirtschafts-Simulator
Precision Farming DLC

Beteiligung an der Map:

credits to Farming Agency for the permission to use their assets
& [F/A] Ækzl for the implementation
Wenn du Ahnung von mappen hast, dir die karte liegt und du Lust hast mehr mit einzubringen schreib mich gerne auf Discord an.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons

Unia Pilmet Czerwony for Farming simulator 19
Working Width: 18.0m
Price: 7500
Category: sprayers


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons


October 10, 2021

Hello Community

Version — (Seasons, Precisions and ManureSystem Ready)
Corrected error in zip file (name), otherwise no changes

Here my new MountainHill2021 (Seasons-, Precisions- and ManureSystem Ready)
It is a 4-fold map, which brings many possibilities with it.
Naturally, the map was tested and works without errors and log entries.
Pictures say more than a thousand words….
Here are a few quick key facts about the map.
– 4 ways to start a new game
– Seasons GEO is integrated (RM-Seasons must be in the mod folder)
– except for the outlets and villages you have to buy everything else (depending on the start different)
– 11 different outlets
– 14 different productions
– 3 gas stations
– 95 different fields from small to large (also meadows)
– 60 buyable forest pieces that are sometimes larger, times smaller are
– with Seasons also the Map changes (not only trees, but also roofs, snow poles, ice etc….) at spring, summer, autumn and winter

At the Raiffeisen you can buy right “hops”, for beer production.
What, where in which silo fits, digital ads place or simply ausbrobieren.
Write me a PN, if you should find errors, or objects that still float above the ground.
On other sites, the map may only be offered with the original download link!
Now I wish you much fun with the map.

Required Mods:
GlobalCompany by LS-ModCompany:

Optional required mods (but beneficial):
GAE Cowshed by LS-ModCompany:


Precision Farming DLC:

Precision Farming Addon:

Slurry System:

Global Market Logistics Center from LS-ModCompany:

and the GlobalCompany – GlobalMarket – EXE

Zuckerfabrick: El Cid
Molkerei: LS19 Giants
Brauerei: LS11 GE-Mapping (Sil3nt-G4m3r)
Ballenlager: Die Landeier
Heizkraftwerk: aus LS15
Getreidelager aus Giants
Gartencenter: LS11 GE-Mapping (Sil3nt-G4m3r)
Großes Hofsilo: BernieSCS
BetonbunkerSet: Kastor u. d-s-agrarservice
Lagerhallen: Dogface
SeedTower: Der Hopfenbauer
Palettenfabrik: Susi und Wingi
Sägewerk: Susi und Wingi
Getreidemühle: aus LS19
BGA: aus LS19
Lagerhaus: aus LS15
Halle Komposter und Holzhacker: Lancyboi
FarmHouse: Edwards_Modding
Pferde-, Schweine-, Schaf- und Hühnerstall DonDiego Map: DonDiego00
Helicopter: Edwards_Modding
TrafficCars: Dutch-Modding

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons


October 9, 2021

In this shed you can have.
Herford Cows, Heifers and calves
Black Herford Cows, Heifers and calves
1. UNZIP this file
2.PUT the “Herford” folder into the zip file of the map you want these animals on BEFORE starting the game
3. PUT “Herford_19” mod into your mods folder
4. START the game and enjoy
*Please note* These cows, heifers, and calves will ONLY be in this shed(husbandry). Also store pictures-only-will remain the same as the ingame cows.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons

A feed truck of the Polish brand EuroMilk for small and medium-sized farms.
Capacity: 10000L
Discharge side: Left, Right
Power requirement: 55hp
Price: 25000€
Wheel configurations


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons

LS19 Fendt 800 Favorit/900 Vario
Wheels: BKT, Michelin MegaXBib, Mitas, Trelleborg 2000MT.
Fender: No, Yes, Wide, Wide Extreme.
Frontattacher; Yes, No.
Passager Seat: Standard, Fendt Evolution.
Seat: Standard, Fendt Evolution.
Frontloader: Yes, No.
Engine: 816 LSE Turboshift, 818 LSE Turboshift, 822 LSE Turboshift, 824 LSE Turboshift, 816 Turboshift, 818 Turboshift, 822 Turboshift, 824 Turboshift, 824 Turboshift LSV, 916 Vario, 920 Vario, 924 Vario, 926 Vario.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons

SCANIA S730T V1.0.0.0

October 5, 2021

Scania S730t
Game: Farming simulator 19
Power: 750
Maximum Speed: 120
Price: 164000
Dailyupkeep: 160
Brand: DAF
Category: Trucks
Added a couple things

J.W. Agri

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons

A machine that enables bagging of the harvested grain
Price: 500€
Graintank: 500 Liter
Bag volume 100 Liter
Color Config
Base configuration


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Addons