Modifications 71766

FS19 maps

In games, maps are the location and the area where you can play the game. In Farming Simulator 19, the maps are sandbox, interactive areas where players can grow a farm and run their business. This version of FS has two base maps as well as a DLC map Erlengrat. The two base maps Felsbrunn and Ravenport. They are all quite different and unique. However, modders have expanded those maps, added fun activities to them or even managed to create new maps altogether. Some of them are thorough replicas of real-world locations while others draw inspiration of famous Central or South-European, British as well as different locations.
Since this game is a playable simulator, it allows you to become a farmer in unique fictional places. Erlengrat from Alpine Farming Pack DLC is similar to Austrian or Swiss Alps (more likely the latter), Felsbrunn is a bit similar with what looks like Bavarian outskirts of the Alpine mountains. Finally, Ravenport mimics the landscape of Southern California.
But there is so much more to explore with maps from Gamersmods. You can find Farming Simulator 19 maps mods that can take you across the world, from the likes of mountainous and dusty Andalucia, all the way to Country Britain or even slightly strange yet massively exotic places like remnants of the Soviet Union or the French countryside. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Each mod can completely revamp your playing experience. Don’t hesitate to download new mods and try them out. All maps mods for FS19 are completely free on Gamersmods!


November 19, 2021

Hogsback is a small tiny village in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The area is known for tourism and forestry. Enjoy this beautiful scenic map, with 12 x multifruit (additional fruits above the base game fruits), 5 sell-points, massive farm storage, average startup fleet, beautiful Farmhouse, 32 x aditional field angles, nice forest and a hole lot of extras 🙂

Thanks fro downloading, i hope you enjoy this map. It was my pleasure in making it.

Farmer B0B

Thanks to giants for the editor

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps

LA CORONELLA 2.0 V2.1.5.0

November 17, 2021

Welcome to La Coronella 2.0.

– Fixed the error in the file laCoronella_enviroment.xml that made the game not load playing Without Seasons Mod Activated.

This map is an improved and expanded version of La Coronella. On this map you can get the most
Farming Simulator 19. The map has undergone important changes with respect to its predecessor, here you can enjoy 2 new crops, El Garbanzo and La Lenteja,
in addition, in the Farm you will be able to use pre-installed silos to store almost all the basic game products and the new ones present here. The map is translated into
English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and of course in Spanish.I wish you a happy game and enjoy simulated farming.

– New lighting on the map.
– The Sunrise and Sunset have been edited.
– Reduced Biogas Price.
– Removed leftover objects on the map.
– Flying objects relocated.

-Map adapted to the new Productions: Bakery, Confectionery and Tomato Juice Production.

-Map compatible with the Pellets and Eco Green factories.
-Some adjustments to the fencing system of the map.

-The map now has 2 types of Start, Standard and Productions.
-The factory system for consoles has been changed considerably, now you can play this map together with Seasons, Straw Harvest and the Factory system without any problem.
IMPORTANT: To play with Seasons and Factories at the same time, the Production GEO is essential.
-The Flour and Cheese factories located by default on the map were eliminated, now only the Sunflower Oil factory and Plank Factory will appear by default.
-The aforementioned factories can be sold if you wish.
-Unfortunately, you will need to start a New Game for all the changes to take effect and there is no problem.
-Now you can sell all the perimeter fencing of fields throughout the map.

-The map has been adapted for the Precision Farming DLC, using its own
each of terrain.
-The extra crops of the map, Chickpea and Lentils are now compatible with this DLC.
-Now we can sell the Chickpea Straw at various points of sale.
-The sale price of Cotton was increased.
-The work chambers of the Straw and Hay warehouses were corrected.
-The map is now compatible with the Seed Factory and the Hay Pellet Pack.
-The products produced by the new compatible factories can be sold in various places on the map.
-Now you can supply your cows, sheep and horses with Hay Pellets as their main food.

-The prices of the products produced by the Factory Pack have been adjusted.

-The map has been adapted to be used with the Placeable Factories Mod.
-Now you can sell the factories pre-installed on the map. Keep in mind that if you sell it you will not be able to buy that factory again.
-To sell the factories, you must first have the land where they are owned and then the same operation as with the placeable factories.
-Recommended to sell some factories or stables already installed on the map before placing some of the placeable factories of the modPack.
-Now you can sell, if you wish, the pre-installed stables on the map.
-Now you can buy the terrain and place placeable items in the old factory located north of the map.

erShaba, Toymatao (VSR Modding Sur)

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 17, 2021

This is a small map with a lot of potential for expansion.

History of Port Limbo:

A small island lies lonely and deserted in the vastness of the ocean.

Although it consists largely of rugged mountains, it has a fertile peninsula that, thanks to the Gulf Stream, has a very mild climate.

Off the shipping routes, Port Limbo was only discovered a few centuries ago when Scandinavian seafarers were washed ashore by a storm.

Because of the fertile meadows and the yew groves, they believed they had landed at the residence of the farming god Ullr, and therefore called the island Ydalir.

They felled trees, built a settlement with a harbor and practiced agriculture.

After a while other commercial travelers came to Ydalir, but because they couldn’t remember the name Ydalir, they called the island Port Limbo because it is so lost in the ocean.

After a fruitful and prosperous phase, Port Limbo is now threatened with decline, because even the last remaining farmer has to give up his farm for reasons of age.

Are you ready to take on the challenge of building a farm on Port Limbo?

As an additional motivation, let me tell you, that there are still plenty of undeveloped meadows and forests on the higher levels of the peninsula.

So you could spread out at will on Port Limbo if you feel like it.

What can you expect at Port Limbo?

– 1 main farm

– 2 more farm sites, ready for settlement

– 23 fields

– 2 meadow fields

– 11 selling stations

– Forest

– 30 treasures

– Paintable fields, bushes, flowers and pavements

– Seasons ready

– Precision Farming ready


– The tiny spruces are invisible now, therefore they don’t disturb anymore, when you want to transform the forest into fields.

– You don’t buy the wood chips selling station automatically, when buying field 8. Therefore you don’t need to sell it, if you want to sell the field 8. If you already bought field 8, this change won’t work for you.


– Multiplayer should work now

– Seagulls cry only sometimes and not as loud as before.

– Street lantern behind the church sits on the ground.

– You can sell the farm workshop and the farm decoration.

– Barn sale can be found in the list of selling stations.

– New compact loader inside the barn on top floor.

– Straw bales in the barn can be used.

Oma Tana

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 16, 2021

– 260 fields, 9 forests, 20 points of sale.
– 2 villages with a lake to collect water for your animals.
– 5 farm and 1 location for a business or cuma to use the land as you wish.
– no basic farm on the map to your imagination to create the most beautiful farm and above all a farm to your liking.
– 2 areas to place your bga or other plant …
– 2 service stations 1 in each city.
– manure or beet or potato storage areas at the edge of fields near the second town.
– not currently intended for wood but sale of wood chips possible, I did not try wood.
– global companion compatible, precision farming.

update detail:
– correction of trees, lampposts, and flying objects.
– modification of denser forests and revised soil.
– modification of farm textures.
– addition of new point of sale.
– added panel for hourly co-ops etc
– revisits the decoration of the map.
– added traffic
– addition of plane and Montgolfier.
– addition of pnj in the towns this walking.
– addition of field missions
– revisit the pda and map loading image
– addition of alfalfa bunches, alfalfa hay and clover
– addition of 14 crops: clover, alfalfa, millet, tobacco, poppy, hops, carrot, salad, strawberry, cabbage, red cabbage, onion, rye, sorghum.
– etc …


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps

Global Company and MaizePlus are needed to play this map. My Sonne Tractor pack is part of the starting equipment as well.
This is the Sonne Farms Edition of my Midwest Cattle Company map, it’s a standard size map with beef cattle. Since it was inspired by Sonne Farms, it ONLY has Black Angus and Black white face Angus cattle, calves, and bulls. Cows, calves, and bulls can all be in the same husbandry at the same time, there are pastures, feedlots, and a few indoor calving pens. The farm is in the middle of the map. There is plenty of grain storage and there is a large shed with auto bale storage(each space is for a specific baletype) and there is a place to make TMR in the shed as well. The farm is surrounded by several fields, hills, and a river. Water can be loaded from the river. Southeast of the feedlots there is a grainbin complex for selling grain, the setup to the northwest is the one for grain storage. This map has barley, maize, oats, soybeans, alfalfa, shortseason soybeans, rye, triticale, and silage corn, for crops. There is also mud, earcorn, dryearcorn, drymaize, dryalfalfa, groundfeed, and crackedcorn.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 15, 2021

Essa v.2 foi feita por mim no fs19 , com Autorização de Farming Brazil Sul ( Modding BR) , Créditos totais ao Dono do mapa no FS15 Mapa todo refeito , nesta versão ele contem Usina da cana , 3 pontos de venda , Multfrut completo ( Sorgo , Feijão Preto , Mileto , Centeio e Arroz) Créditos aos Conversor da versão 1 no FS19 = Farming Brazil Sul ( Modding BR) Créditos a versão 2 do mapa no FS19 = BOIADEIRO GAMER Créditos ao Criador do mapa no FS15 = Pedro Cavalete ( Cavalets Farming ) Bom jogo a todos ……


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 15, 2021

The Farminópolis is a map based on the Brazilian region located in Jataí, Goiás.
The history of the small municipality of Farminópolis goes through a time of great expansion in agriculture, where the small town opens up to big business with new farmers arriving in the region. Be one of these farmers and create great businesses.

– There are 40 small, medium and large fields, not counting some land opening areas.
– Additional crops: black beans and sorghum.
– In need of a mechanic, the city has a workshop at the end of the street from your home.
– The map has 4 grain sales.
– Sale of grain near the Limestone mine.
– Two sales within the city at the end of the street from your house.
– Sale of grain on the highway, next to the police.
– In the city it is possible to buy some houses and land to build something new.
– Animal trade right in the city center.
– It has a gas station on the highway.
– Sale of potatoes and beets next to the gas station on the highway.
– For the sale of sugarcane we have the large and well-known mill Farminópolis .
– Cotton, grass, wool, straw and silage bales can be sold at the shop in front of the city monument.
– Account with BGA.
– On the farm we have pigs, chickens, sheep, horses and also cows a little closer.
– The dairy for the sale of milk is in the city center.
– In need of limestone, there is the mine.
– At the sawmill you can sell logs and wood chips.
– Your farm has a shed where you can store your machinery, implements and seeds.

Have fun!

Sleutjes Modding/DH Modding/LostGamer

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 15, 2021

Hello community, hello fans of the Cornbelt,

Version 0.9.4
Changes Cornbelt 16-fold Beta by ANDYsMODDING update to version 0.9.4
changed! Freight station warehouse new lighting installed!
NEW! Refinery built in as production

It’s finally here! The first beta version of the Cornbelt is released and am very excited to see your reaction and comments. The goal was really just to reactivate the productions from LS17. But somehow it has become much more of a change than I had originally planned.
At this point I would like to thank Kastor again, that I was allowed to change his map and make it available for you to download. Also a big thank you goes to the FED Action for letting me use his europalettes and the boardpalettes. Last but not least I want to thank the testers of the map, the Maik, John and the Daniel.
Now for the details of the map:
It is still a 16x mod map
There are only 65 hexes
There are now 11 forestry areas
3 BGA’s
There are a total of 7 purchasable industrial areas, with only 4 productions currently available
There are 17 outlets on the map
And many products that are Global Market Ready.

The following mods are recommended but not required:
AM Tuning Pack
AM Placeable Pack
AM Production Pack

You can report bugs via my DC server at:
Posting the map on other portals or forums without using the original download link!!!
The map may only be modified with the written consent of the Kastor and ANDYsMODDING!

Modell: Kastor, FED Action, ANDYsMODDING
Textur: Kastor, FED Action, Gaints, ANDYsMODDING
Script: Ifko
Idee / Konzept: Kastor, Edit durch ANDYsMODDING
Tester: Ostseefarmer, 21John, schnellbauer, Kompie21 & FarmManager.

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps