Modifications 71766

FS19 maps

In games, maps are the location and the area where you can play the game. In Farming Simulator 19, the maps are sandbox, interactive areas where players can grow a farm and run their business. This version of FS has two base maps as well as a DLC map Erlengrat. The two base maps Felsbrunn and Ravenport. They are all quite different and unique. However, modders have expanded those maps, added fun activities to them or even managed to create new maps altogether. Some of them are thorough replicas of real-world locations while others draw inspiration of famous Central or South-European, British as well as different locations.
Since this game is a playable simulator, it allows you to become a farmer in unique fictional places. Erlengrat from Alpine Farming Pack DLC is similar to Austrian or Swiss Alps (more likely the latter), Felsbrunn is a bit similar with what looks like Bavarian outskirts of the Alpine mountains. Finally, Ravenport mimics the landscape of Southern California.
But there is so much more to explore with maps from Gamersmods. You can find Farming Simulator 19 maps mods that can take you across the world, from the likes of mountainous and dusty Andalucia, all the way to Country Britain or even slightly strange yet massively exotic places like remnants of the Soviet Union or the French countryside. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Each mod can completely revamp your playing experience. Don’t hesitate to download new mods and try them out. All maps mods for FS19 are completely free on Gamersmods!

Map d’un petit village au Québec entre la Beauce et Lotbiniere

Changelog 1.1
– Redessendu la route qui flottait
– Maintenant les champs sont sur la map et le village

– Season Ready
– Beaucoup de champs
– Beaucoup de forets
– Lieux d’apparition avec 2 endroit pour construire sa
ferme autour
– Vous devez toujours commencer en gérant de la ferme,
vous devez construire votre ferme


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 15, 2021

Pomorzany to fikcyjna mapa, mapa posiada:

-105 pól
-128 farmlandów
-4 gospodarki (Krowy, owce, świnie, kury)
-orginalne maszyny na start
-maszyny z modyfikacji na start
-sklep z maszynami
-kopalnia wapna
-dwa cpn-y
-jeden skup
-3 lasy
-oświetlenie mapy

Plik po pobraniu należy wypakować.

Mapa nie dokończona


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 14, 2021

Pomorzany is a fictional map, the map has:
– 105 fields
– 128 farmlands
– 4 economy (cows, sheep, pigs, chickens)
– original machines to start
– machines from modifications to the start
– shop with machines
– lime mine
– two cpn-y
– one purchase
– 3 forests
– map lighting

Map incomplete.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 14, 2021

FS19 Poland 1977 Pomarzany
The Polish map is released because it seems to download unfinished because it is beta

MiloX Game, Simon911

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 14, 2021

The original from metalgear1 at the end of LS19

Version 2.0.0
Dear Aekzl has taken an incredible amount of time and eliminated all errors reported so far.
Therefore, at the end of LS19, leave a new version of Hermann’s Eck and a big thank you to Aekzl. : love:
The best is a new savegame, otherwise there will be 1000 questions again why this works and that not

The original – metalgear1’s card finds its way back to the end of LS19.
Important ! Important ! Important !
Load mods completely – see list

Welcome to the Hermanns Eck in LS19,
With this card I also tried to bring the charm of metalgear1’s fantastic card from the 17 to the 19. Along with McBee is
this card from a crazy idea, created in a very short time and made available to you to the best of our knowledge and belief.
In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to express my big thanks to BernieSCS, for we have his great buildings on the whole

Could integrate card.
You will find well-known things on the map with partly new functions for the LS19:

Main courtyard1:
Cowshed pigs / chickens / workshop / bale storage for hay and straw and much more

Main courtyard 2: (Bernie’s Bichler Hof)
In addition, there is a pasture for cows on the map for grazing in the summer

Pig yard:
I invite you to discover the newly built area for yourself

Horse breeding:
This served mainly as a sales point in the 17s, now you can also do this
as a sales point as well as a playable horse farm

In addition, there is a sheepfold on the map and an open sheep pasture for farming, with it
even as a shepherd there is plenty to do.

Selling points:
Agricultural trade
Gold Ox Brewery
Aldi and dairy

Buying points:
You will find sales outlets for lime seed fertilizers etc. at the various dealers, for example
the large agricultural trade where you can, for example, fill seeds directly, or shovel out of the halls yourself

If you want to start in multiplayer, you can use a large area here with larger machines
build up a vehicle fleet.

200KwH BGA built in with spacious silos
Important Important Important!

LS17 Hermanns Eck Mapper: metalgear1
MaizPlus HE CCM: Alien-Paul & Faming Agency
Raiffeisen Tankstelle: DerMindener Chris
Mapgebäude: BernieSCS
Test-Team: McBee, SimuFreunde-Henry, MW_Micha_3615,Aekzl

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 13, 2021

Welcome To Timber Valley.

– Changelog

-bug fixes

The map has a lot of over crown forests.

There isn’t a lot of roads but you can harvest trees out of the way and make your own roads.

To get you started you can start with some machines and with some logs at the sawmill.

Trees on the map: Birch,Spruce,Pine,Oak,Osina,CaliPalm.

!WARNING! there is a secret on the map.

There is four skulls hidden on the map. One Is Golden, Second One is Silver, Third One is Red, Fourth One is Green.

You can collect the four skulls and put them in the FarmHouse! Good Luck

– Changelog

– 1 Sawmill

– 1 Light House

– A Farmhouse

– over 34000 trees to cut down

– Changelog

– Added a port

– Changed the location of the shop to the port.You need to buy vehicles at the office near the sawmill.

– Fixed collision on the pipe near the river

– Added 3 new sellpoints

– Added more roads

– Updated the PDA map

– Removed trees from in side of the Light House

– Removed some trees around the map

– Added PowerLines

– Added some decoration around the map

– Expanded the sawmill

– Added a bridge over the swamp

– Added a power plant

– Added Estonian flag’s


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 13, 2021

Welcome To Timber Valley.

The map has a lot of over crown forests.

There isn’t a lot of roads but you can harvest trees out of the way and make your own roads.

To get you started you can start with some machines and with some logs at the sawmill.

Trees on the map: Birch, Spruce, Pine, Oak, Osina, CaliPalm.

!WARNING! there is a secret on the map.

There is four skulls hidden on the map. One Is Golden, Second One is Silver, Third One is Red, Fourth One is Green.

You can collect the four skulls and put them in the Farm House! Good Luck

– Changelog

– 1 Sawmill

– 1 Light House

– A Farmhouse

– over 34000 trees to cut down

– Changelog

– Added a port

– Changed the location of the shop to the port. You need to buy vehicles at the office near the sawmill.

– Fixed collision on the pipe near the river

– Added 3 new sell points

– Added more roads

– Updated the PDA map

– Removed trees from in side of the Light House

– Removed some trees around the map

– Added Power Lines

– Added some decoration around the map

– Expanded the sawmill

– Added a bridge over the swamp

– Added a power plant

– Added Estonian flag’s


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps


November 12, 2021

The Chamberg Valley, a totally imaginary place, in which you will be the owner and lord of a farm, where you will only have to worry about bringing your lands to the highest yield, you will have
Silos and Warehouses to store all your crops and products to improve the performance of your land. In addition, you will have the challenge of giving life to 4 large animal stables located on the map.
Apart from the cultivation of Tomato, as a great novelty in this map, you will be able to enjoy dairy sheep, yes, you read that correctly, Sheep’s Milk, so treat them well !!

Map content:
– Pre-Installed Farm.
– 4 Pre-Installed Animal Stables, Cows, Horses, Pigs and Sheep.
– Land to build your own farm and place your favorite buildings.
– 50 fields of all sizes and with the possibility of joining them
– 8 forest areas of various sizes
– Winding terrain and great decoration.
– 3 Silage Bunkers.
– 1 Biogas
– 1 Biomass Bunker
– Great variety of points of sale for all your products
– Product Purchase Points to take your fields to the highest performance
– More than 20 factories integrated into the map, thanks to the FillTypeConverter script.
– Storage for bales, thanks to the ObjectStorage script.
– New types of crops.
– Vehicles adapted for the cultivation of Tomatoes, Carrots, Onions.
– Support for crop destruction.
– Support for Maize Plus and Horse Extension.
– Standard Support for Seasons Mod.
– Support for DLC Addon Straw Harvest.
– Support with own Terrain mapping for Precision Agriculture DLC.
– Sawmill with Crane.
– Ready stations.
– Custom map lighting.
– Animated objects.
– Pedestrians and Traffic.
– Multi-angle terrain.
– Compatible with the GtX ‘Store Sales’ mod that adds sale signs and flags.

– All my thanks to the modders whose objects, sounds and scripts I was allowed to use. The list of credits can be found in modDesc.xml in the ‘contributors’ section.

Changelog: *** NEW SAVEGAME REQUIRED ***

– 2 zones of fruit trees added. (Requires New Game)
– New roads have been added at different points on the map. (Requires New Game)
– Fixed the error that caused the workers not to detect some fields.
– Added new vehicles and edited base game implements.
– Now you can store the Straw and Hay Pellets. (Mod StrawHarvest required)
– Adjusted the price of the Metal Cage and Stick Cage.
– Removed water loading areas from the map. Pool and Lake.
– New products added to the points of sale.
– Adjustments in streetlights of the Cheese Factory.
– Adjustments in collisions of several buildings.
– Sheep, Cow and Pig Enclosure can now be sold without problems.
– Mixed Greenhouse added.
– New Banana Yogurt and Fruit Juice Factories.
– The green color of the information panels of the Masters has been changed to Black.
– Adjusted the sale price of Compost.
– The option to sell compost in the Biogas was added, as long as you own it.
– Adjusted sale prices of some products.
– Adjusted the productions of all the Masters.
– The Weather has been retouched.
– Other details and minor adjustments.
– New adjustments to the Snow Mask on the Map and placeable factories.
– Now you can buy a water tank in the store, which will be filled with the rain,
– Now the amberca and the lake will be filled with water by the rain.
– The Lake, the Pool and the Reservoir will show information on the amount of water they contain.
– Fruit trees will show information on the amount of fruits they contain.
– Now it will be necessary to Purify the water obtained from the Pool and the Lake.
– The prices of the products that can be sold in the Biogas were adjusted.
– Adjusted the collisions of some objects.
– Bale warehouse placeholders have been improved.
– Added 3 new areas of affordable land. (FarmLand)
– Different fruit trees were added to place.
– Different boxes were added to transport and sell the fruits obtained from fruit trees.
– New Factory added: Fruit Yogurt Production.
– Refillable Diesel Barrel was added to refuel your vehicles.
– BioDiesel Barrel was added to use in factories.
– New Plastic Box to transport the Fruit Yogurt Bottles.
– Refillable Milk Jug was added.
– Updated Collision Tip.
– The Chambergo Chicken Coop will now have capacity for 300 specimens.
– Warehouses for all kinds of products were added on the farm.
– Now the Methanol will be purchased by Drums of 500 liters.
– New store images of various products.
– Added some custom horses.


– 3 new Factories were added: Bakery and Confectionery, Tomato Juice, which you will have to place.
– Fixed the texture of the oats in the phase after harvest with the destruction of crops.
– Fixed the bug in the cultivation of spelled, which made it possible to harvest in the third stage of growth.
– Improved collisions on various products and factory pallets.
– Adjusted the radius of the FarmSilo.
– Modified the texture of the Manchego Cheese.
– Adjusted the exit direction of wool pallets in the Sheep Corral.
– Adjusted the Manure and Straw triggers in the Sheep Corral.
– New pallets available in the store to transport Cheese, Tomato Juice, Bread and Donuts.
– Adjusted the collisions and the weight of the pallet to transport Oil Bottles.
– Adjusted the collisions of the Masters machines.
– The Sticks and the Cans of Natural Water necessary for the Bakery and Confectionery you will find them in the store.
– Modified map icon.
– Adjusted the masses of all production products.
– Added chip store as placeable.
– Hud images of some factories have been modified and adjusted.
– Adjusted collisions of all objects to be able to grab with tension tapes.
– Placeholders have been added to store all kinds of round bales.


– IMPORTANT: This is a great update with great improvements and new implements, so it is Very “Recommended” to start a new game !!. If you decide not to start the game
new you must bear in mind that the errors and many of the corrections that have been made will not be solved. Do not be discouraged, it will be worth it !!

– The capacity of the Ropa combine was adjusted, adapted for the new products, now it will have 2 configurations, 45,000 and 60,000 liters of capacity.
– Field fertilization bug was fixed.
– Some floating objects were relocated.
– Tomato growth and harvest has been added. (Seasons)
-The organic compost is only “effective” if you play without the Precision Farming DLC ​​activated.
– Modified the preview images of the map in both game modes.
– The trigger of the Fertiberg point of sale has been adjusted.
– Now you can sell Fertilizer, Seeds and Organic Fertilizer in Fertiberg.
– Adjusted and modified all properties and starting vehicles in all game modes.
– The entire lighting system of the Main Farm and Pre-Installed Animal Corrals was improved. Before the streetlights seemed to be on throughout the day.
– Now you can see the SeedMaster and FertiMaster that are installed on the farm.
– Adjusted the sounds of the entire map.
– More trees were added in different areas of the map.
– Added more greenery.
– Added new animation to the map.
– Fixed teleportation to Biogas. Now you will not be trapped.
– The sale price of Purín in the Biogas returned to normal.
– Improved textures of the store icons on various objects and placeables.
– Improved animal feeding.
– Chickpea and Lentil crops will act like Soy Beans. (Precision Farming)
– The possibility of all the silos of the Default Farm has been added.
– Placeable Sheds have been added.
– Silos and placeable tanks have been added for the vast majority of products.
– Now in Multiplayer mode, only the owner of the land where they are located can use the factories and their respective shelves for products.
– In Multiplayer mode, Organic and Mixed Trash bags are owned by Farm 1.
– Fixed the FertiMaster production error.
– Fixed the production error of the BiogasMaster.
– Adjusted the Ketchup can shelf output trigger.
– Added a new Traffic Spline.
– Added Pedestrian Spline in the North Zone of the map.
– The prices of most of the products that can be sold have been adjusted.
– New point of sale of products in the Garden Center.
– From now on, animal pens already placed on the map cannot be removed. You can sell the land where they are located, but not the corral.
– Now you can sell the land of the Main Farm, without having to sell everything that is stored in it.
– The TMR and PigFood Mixers were removed from the map
– The Hay and Straw Blowers have been removed from the map. They were replaced by warehouses without animation.
– New Silos were added to store products in the main farm.
– Streetlights have been added to all factories and important places on the map.
– 2 new factories have been added to the map, you will find them already placed. Rapeseed Oil Production and Cucumber Garden !!.
– Now you can produce your own Mixed Ration and Pig Food using the TMR Master and PigFood Master, which you can place wherever you want.
– The corn will have 3 states of Dark Green to be chopped and in turn, only 1 state of grain harvest.
– The tomato will no longer appear in the contracts, to avoid that they provide us with the wrong machinery.
– The plastic boxes used to transport Methanol (Red) and Sweetener (Blue), will be used only for Rapeseed Oil and Cucumber.
– The amount of cost of Compost per hectare has been lowered when spreading it in your fields.
– New vehicles and starter tools.(New Farmer)
– A new product was added: Additive, which will be used for the production of Mixed Ration and Pig Food.
– The price of the land where the stables of cows, pigs and sheep are placed was reduced.
– New categories have been added in the store to make it easier to locate the vehicles, tools and objects included in the map.
– Sheds were added to store all kinds of square bales.
– Biomass bunkers will become Silage.
– A new machine was added to make biomass.
– New tanks were added to transport all kinds of liquids.

Required Mods:
– MaizePlus CCM Extension (By: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher)
– MaizePlus (By: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher)
– MaizePlus Forage Extension (By: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher)
– John Deere 6M Series (By: GIANTS Software)


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps