American truck simulator mods / Others
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[ATS] NaturaLux Graphics Mod v1.0 (1.38.x)

August 19, 2020

NaturaLux – is a weather and graphics mod, bringing the visuals of the game engine to a new level. This mos is a conversion from ETS2 to ATS. Also ,,Sky Fix” is provided in the archive.

Features mod NaturaLux:
– More than 250 sky textures in a resolution from 8 to 16K in order for the sky to be clear and not blurry or pixelated;
– Each sky texture comes with an individual realistic image, which is currently possible within the game limits;
– Improved and realistic cloud shadows;
– Realistic images of the sun (including non-standard highlights);
– Improved skybox model (seamless textures);
– Improved alpha channels for realistic cloud masking (the sun no longer shines through the clouds);
– Improved visual effects in rainy weather (new streaks of rain, no bright sun in the cloudy sky, fog, rainbow, changes in rain intensity);
– Realistic and soft color settings;
– New sound effects (rain and thunder);
– Some improved ground textures;
– More realistic visuals;
– Improved particles;
– Improved and more realistic night;
– Realistic images of the moon;
– New loading screens.

Tested on game version 1.38.x


GerScaniaTrucker, Bidolot