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FS22 News

Follow this page to get the latest & hottest news about the FS22 game as well as 3rd party development updates which are relevant to all Farming simulator 22 players out there. Here you’ll find all relevant updates and news about the game from the developers. We will publish it as soon as something comes out and new information becomes available. We want to offer you more insight into the world of Farming simulator 22.
If you are an active player of farming simulator, you should check out the farming simulator mods that we have here. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of unique modifications that you can download completely free from our site. Check out the FS22 mods categories to find out more!

Nourish your farming experience with the Premium Expansion and grow fresh vegetables on a brand-new map with specialized machines. Get even more with the Premium Edition, which includes all content of the Year 1 & Year 2 Season Passes! Coming November 14th to PC & Consoles!

All Fresh: New Map & Vegetables
Our new agricultural environment resembles the varied landscapes of the Central European countries. Built on rich soil, the verdant fields between ponds and rivers are perfect for putting down roots of crops and businesses.
More importantly, Zielonka is home to a muster of storks who nest in the village and are seen flying gracefully over the region.
Carrots, parsnips, and red beet are added to the list of plants you can grow to grow your agricultural empire. Apropos, empire: new factories and production chains are included, of course. Produce nourishing soup and tinned food to process the vegetables. Plus: potato chips!

New Brands & Machines
To meet the requirements of the new crops, you operate specialized machines to sow, harvest, and transport. Before sowing, you have to prepare the seedbed for vegetable cultivation and create large-volume ridges!
Here are some examples: create the ridges with the GRIMME GF 400 & GF 800, plant the crops with the Kverneland Miniair Nova series, and harvest them with self-propelled and towed harvesters by Dewulf before using WIFO equipment for transport!
Authentically digitized with more details than ever, the Premium Expansion features more than 35 vehicles and implements. Manufacturers Dewulf, Gorenc, Agrio & WIFO debut in the series, while BEDNAR, Fiat, GRIMME, Kverneland, SaMASZ & others also extend the garage.

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

Bugfixes & Changes
Mixerwagon info HUD works again
Fixed folding issues on the cotton harvesters
Fixed issues with bale transport tools
Bales from missions can now be stored in the “Bale & Pallet Storage”
Fixed automatic motor turn off on the John Deere CP690
Fixed functionality of plows to properly remove chopped straw from the ground
Improved stability of physics joints
Proper hardware profile mapping of Intel ARC GPUs
Updated to FSR 2.2
Updated to DLSS 3.1 (Bug Fixes & Stability Improvements)
Screenspace Shading Rate Bug Fixes & Improvements

New additions
PC/Mac: Added paste (Ctrl + V) support for text/password input fields

New vehicles and tools
Massey Ferguson MF 6S
Massey Ferguson MF 7S
Massey Ferguson MF 2370 Ultra HD
Massey Ferguson MF RB 4160V Protec
Fendt Squadra 1290 N UD
Fendt Rotana 160 V Combi

As with all major updates to Farming Simulator, you may experience stuttering on the first game launch after the update when using mods or custom graphics settings due to shaders being recompiled.

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News


March 21, 2023

Take the joy of baling multiple steps further with Göweil! Operate a diversified set of professional baling and wrapping technology and equip your farm with nine new machines and tools. The Göweil Pack adds new possibilities while improving the quality and efficiency of your operation that depends on baling your valuable resources.

Bale and wrap corn silage, sugar beet pulp, mixed feed, and more with reliable high-tech machines like the Göweil LT-Master F115!
Deploy stationary and autonomous baler-wrappers like the G4010 Q Profi at your farm to achieve a high output of bales in variable shapes & sizes.
Roller wrappers like the Göweil G1015 attach to your front loader or three-point hitch to transport, wrap, and stack your bales – with one single machine!
Add silage additive tanks to your baler wrapper combinations to produce bales of even higher quality than before – now with net binding, too.
In steep conditions of your mountainous farmlands, use the bale turner to drop your bales. Don’t lose time running after your round bales!
Move and store your bales safely with new bale grippers and bale forks – so you always have enough TMR and other resources in stock.

GIANTS Software

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

Please Note! As with all major updates to Farming Simulator, you may experience stuttering on the first game launch after updating. Especially when using mods or custom graphics settings due to shaders being recompiled.

Bugfixes & Changes
Performance improvements
Improved AI “Drive To” behavior
Various crash fixes
Fixed large save games on Xbox
Fixed Fanatec wheels support on PS5
Improved fadeout of 3D sounds
Fixed animation of crane joysticks in cabin while not using easy arm control
Fixed issues with mounting heavy vehicles via tension belts
Fixed train slightly moving with automatic motor start turned off
Fixed farm.xml file sizes on public dedi servers
Fixed issues with AI driving into water
Fixed unloading arm control on sugar beet harvesters
Fixed dashboard display on MF 3707 AL
Fixed AI turning with Einböck PNEUMATICSTAR-PRO
Fixed Valtra A115 HI-TECH 4 config price
Improved transmission setup on Landini REX 4
Improved MAN TGX 26.640 stability
Fixed indoor camera rotation on Schäffer 23E
Fixed connection hoses and schema overlay on JCB 541-70
Fixed hydraulic hoses of Krampe SKS backdoor
Various visual fixes on Valtra A/N/Q/T Series
Improved ingame help text

New additions
Added Intel XeSS support
Added option to define variable lengths for wood harvester cutting and option to toggle between them in both directions
Added option to toggle between automatic and manual cutting for wood harvesters
Max. tree cut diameter is now shown in the shop for wood harvesters
Added header tilt feature for wood harvesters
Added farmland ID to map overview
Tree sapling type on pallets is now shown in the info box
Added placeable position and rotation snapping in construction mode

Added #class attribute to specify unload trigger class for unloading station
Added #class attribute to specify load trigger class for loading station
Added map and modDesc helpline support
Added option for filltype spawnplaces
Added object change support for single tension belts
Added timeHours and timeMinutes dashboard type in enterable to create analog clocks

New Additions
New fertilizer and herbicide from HELM

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

Shake your spray cans and go to the forest! We’re looking at the new tree marking system introduced with the Platinum Expansion for Farming Simulator 22. Since we’re not far away from the release of our heavy expansion on November 15th, we’ll take a closer look at some features over the course of the following weeks.
Spray cans in various colors allow you to mark trees with a set of signs, so you and your friends know what to do. Let’s take a look at the colors and symbols and what they mean.
In deadwood missions, a new type of contract coming with the Platinum Expansion, trees supposed to be removed, are already marked. Fell only the marked trees – otherwise, you get a penalty for removing healthy trees!
Please note: Since the meaning of tree markings is not universal and differs internationally, you might disagree with the use of colors and signs described here. That’s okay – since you can use the colors and symbols as you see fit. If you want to use them in accordance with the local preferences in your neck of the woods, you can look them up by searching the internet with queries based on your location.
At the virtual dealership, you find spray cans in different colors. Gameplay-wise, you can use any color. Choose your favorite, if you want. In reality, though, they’re usually associated with specific actions or purposes after felling the tree.
Red or white is used in many regions when it comes to harvesting timber, forwarding within the forest and selling harvested logs. Blue or orange on the other hand are often traffic-related or used to mark logs that are to be destined for firewood.
Buy spray cans at the dealership in the “tools” section. You find various colors of tree marking spray in its own category. You equip it just like the chainsaw, either pressing the assigned key to swap inventory items or use the mouse wheel. You can switch the signs by pressing the respectively assigned keys, point at the tree and press the button to apply the chosen symbol.

Logging trail: Marking trees with two horizontal, parallel lines indicates that you are on a trail where machines move to the actual logging location.
Remove tree: Trees marked with the “backslash” are supposed to be removed.
Support tree: Trees marked with the circle are not supposed to be chopped down, but supported. Meaning, leave him (and his friends) alone, or plant new trees in the vicinity.
Saw off at this height is indicated by a horizontal line with an arrow facing down.
Deadwood is indicated with an exclamation mark. You will see this when taking on deadwood missions. They are to be removed.
X can have various meanings. Often, it just marks trees should be removed for whatever reason. Feel free to assign any meaning to this mark.

As mentioned above, a lot of symbols are not universally recognized, but their meaning differs internationally. Neither colors nor symbols follow a strict code, but are merely local or a forest ranger’s personal preferences.
While the “X” often just means “this tree is marked to be removed” for whatever reason, in some parts of the world it is only applied to hazardous trees (deadwood) that pose a threat to nearby trees. Or it means whatever the forest ranger says it means. If you’re new to forestry, you can work with the signs and meanings in the graphic above, or use them just like you prefer.

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

Bugfixes & Changes
Improved quality with FidelityFX Super Resolution 2
Fixed display of driving direction while manual shifting is enabled
Fixed John Deere 7R crop destruction at Trelleborg careWheel config
PS4 only: Fixed support for Logitech wheels
Visual fixes for CLAAS XERION 5000
Visual fixes for CLAAS AXION 800
Visual fixes for CLAAS LINER 4900 BUSINESS
Visual fixes for Vervaet HydroTrike
Visual fixes for MAN TGS and TGS trucks
Fixed schema for MAN TGX 26.640
Updated Valtra brand logo
Updated lights on Valtra G Series

New vehicles
Valtra A Series
Valtra N Series
Valtra T Series
Valtra Q Series

As with all major updates to Farming Simulator, you may experience stuttering on the first game launch after the update when using mods or custom graphics settings due to shaders being recompiled.

Bugfixes & Changes
Win/MacOs: Fixed error message ‘Custom shader hash collision’ when using multiple mods with their own custom shaders

Bugfixes & Changes
Adjusted displayed working width of Grimme Evo 290 and Ropa Keiler 2
Increased Grimme Evo 290 capacity to 12m³
Fixed & improved mission availability
Fixed bunker position of Grimme Evo 290 in work mode
Improved interior coloring on John Deere vehicles
Fixed attacher joint on Quicke Q3M
Fixed yield increase on forage harvesters with silage additives
Lime heaps tipped onto the ground can now be steeper
Fixed license plate light visibility while no license plate has been configured on some vehicles
Fixed AI with turned cabin on Claas Xerion 5000
Fixed Xerion configuration in baling contracts

New additions
Claas Liner 4900 Business
Claas Xerion 5000 Anniversary Edition
Fendt / Massey Ferguson IDEAL MY23 Updates

Modding changes
Added DIFFERENTIAL_SPEED sound modifier
Fixed crawler translation offset xml attribute
Added ‘useRandomYRot’ xml attribute for greenhouse plants
Fixed loading of map hotspots with localized titles

Known issues
Demolish button not accessible with Controller / Keyboard.

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

Prepare for grape harvesting season! With the ERO Grapeliner Series 7000, a new high-performance grape harvester becomes available at virtual dealerships near your farm. Authentically digitized for Farming Simulator 22, the machine from ERO, a leading manufacturer of vineyard machinery in Germany, harvests the delicious fruit with extreme care and efficiency. Perfect for your juicy business on lush hillsides striped with vines.
This DLC is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam and Epic Games Store) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 22 (Update 1.7 or higher).

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News

From the inventors of the round baler comes a set of powerful and innovative machines for Farming Simulator 22: Including the world’s first self-propelled baler, the Vermeer pack includes five efficient and unique machines by the international manufacturer from North America.

With the ZR5-1200 self-propelled baler by Vermeer, the first of its kind, you produce bales as fast as possible, with great comfort and maneuverability – but without the necessity of a tractor. Zero-turn capability and high transport speed saves you a lot of time on and between fields.

A trailed mower, a twin rake as well as a high-duty baler and a bale processor are also included in the Vermeer pack to round off the selection of sturdy machinery to make your grassland operation more efficient.
This DLC is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam and Epic Games Store) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 22 (Update 1.7 or higher).

Farming simulator

Farming simulator 22 mods / FS22 News