Modifications 71766

FS22 buildings mods

Fed Production Pack v 3.6

March 18, 2024

Version 3.6 Variable opening times
– Fertilizer production can outsource fertilizer and liquid fertilizer as pallets
– Seed production can also store seeds on pallets
– XL fermenter the side silos now have collision
– Recycling station produces slightly more used glass
– Most productions support the variable opening times mod (is optional and only works with the opening times mod)
– Pulp mill now produces slightly more paper

Better late than never. This is now my FED production pack. The pack is a summary of all platziebare production mods from me.
The Fed Mods package currently consists of
Fertilizer Production (Turn manure and slurry into fertilizer)
Seed production (From grain such as wheat + fertilizer we seed)
Digester (From grass and / or chaff becomes silage)
Fodder factory (compound feed for cows and feed production for pigs feed)
Refinery (From rapeseed or sunflower becomes diesel and pig feed)

More mods will follow in the coming weeks / months.
Have fun with it


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

Turkish Garage v 1.0

March 17, 2024

A Garage Where You Can Store Your Vehicles
– price: 35.000€
– Animated doors


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

A Farm, built in the middle of Germany. This Pack contains a Building with a Cow stable and an annex, what can be used as a machnery Storage.
These two buildings are built that way, that you can build one, without building the other one. So you are more freely to create your Farm.
The cow stable has been comepletely renovated, so that the animal can live free in the building. Only you have to decide now, if you want to let them go outside, or inside.

Cow Stable witout pasture:
Purchase price: $124,000
Daily maintenance: $60/ day
Capacity: 30 cows
– Feeding Trough: Inside the building
– Straw: Inside the building
– Animal loading point: At the back door of the building
– Manure loading point: Under the pipe at the back of the building
– Milk loading point: In the small building next to the stable.

Cow Stable with pasture:
Purchase price: $124,000
Daily maintenance: $60/ day
Capacity: 30 cows
– Feeding Trough: Inside the building
– Straw: Inside the building
– Animal loading point: At the gate of the pasture
– Manure loading point: Under the pipe at the back of the building
– Milk loading point: In the small building next to the stable.

Machinery Storage:
Purchase price: $38,900
Daily maintenance: $35/ day

Purchase price: $9,000
Daily maintenance: $5/ day

– Gates can be recoloured
– Each of the buildings can be used alone without the other.
– Lights inside the buildings

– Fixed Door at the milking Room
– Fixed: Rooftiles were too big
– Fixed: Visual Issues
– Fixed Wrong text in help window
– Fixed: Missing Fence element
– New: Totally reworked Ambient occlusion and dirt textures


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

This “silo” is a couple of repurposed Quonset Sheds based on the “Nissen Hut” converted to store Rootcrops, it is retrofitted with reinforced
roof and innerwalls made with heavy corrigated commercial grade steel for better stability and weather proofing that protects from leaks and withstands
hurricanes, strong winds, hail, heavy snow, earthquakes and with proper ventilation. It has a partially underground storage for bigger capacity on both sheds.
This is a minimal upkeep and cost effective storage that doesn’t require you to haul in or out your crops with loader-buckets thanks to our automated
and bolted-in Grimme conveyorbelt-system, the underground storage pumpsystem will distribute the load through both sheds.
Unloading is done from the back of the extension shed. The Rootcrops heap is animated and will eventually rise/lower when the storage is filled/emptied.
– A Thank you to Dogface who helped me with creating the interiorLod for this project.

Shop Category: Placeable/ Buildings/ Silos
Price: $248000
Total Capacity Main Storage: 2500000L
Total Capacity Extension Storage: 2500000L
Capacity for each crop: 1000000L
Daily Upkeep Cost: $20/day


– Night lights
– Automated Conveyorbelt
– Turn ON/OFF Warning Stripes

Added new fillTypes for Mod-functionality (Makes these fruits work on maps that doesn’t support following:


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

Long Shed v 1.0

March 15, 2024

– Price: 20000$
– Maintenance: 10$/day


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

Old Shed v 1.0

March 15, 2024

Old shed for machinery
Dimensions 31.5m x 7m
Price: $10000
Daily upkeep: $5 / day


Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

Hot Air Production v 1.0

March 15, 2024

Lizard hot air production

An extension for the green house pack from Kastor.
If you need more heat and electric charge, this cheaper production can provide both!
With the newest technique, this heat plant requiers straw pellets, wich can be produced with the Premos from the straw harvest pack.
Straw pellets provide more energy but have less volume.

Price: 42.000 $
Daily maintenance: 30 $
Cost/h: 60 $
I/O Ratio: 110:140+5
Input: straw pellets
Output: hot air, electric charge

Courseplay.devTeam, Creative Mesh, Kastor

Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings

Workshop v 1.0

March 15, 2024

Here we have a large workshop to store your equipment and machinery. Full lighting and animated doors

– Price: Workshop $220000
– Maintenance: $40 / day

Mappers Paradise

Farming simulator 22 mods / Fs22 Buildings