Modifications 71766

FS19 cutters mods

Yes, it can be a grind to play Farming Simulator. No wonder that this isn’t a regular arcade game but a full-blown simulator where players can take the reigns of running their own farm and doing the jobs that are required in order to run a successful agricultural business. In the line of work, you need a ton of different tools and machinery to succeed. One of the types of the machinery you’re going to deal with frequently is, of course, cutters. They are used for harvest and different types of cutters are suited for different kinds of jobs.
Having the right cutter will allow you to well, cut faster and do less hard work but get better results and more profit. Mods on Gamersmods are totally free so you can test out one, two, three or the whole lot of FS19 cutters mods to see which one or which combination of tools suits you best.
Download them and load them into your game to see what’s what. Don’t forget to leave a review if you found the mod to be awesome or fun!

Geringhoff 1630 Corn Cutter

– 17000 €

Working width:
– 12.19m

Working speed:
– 10km/h

Devo Media, NDMM

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters

Case ih 4400 Series Corn Header Pack
This is the CaseIH 4418 and 4416 corn heads that has 22 & 30 inch spacing. Cost is 142000 and working width of 10.5 for the 4418 and the 4416 cost is 124000 and working width of 12.1.
The 4408 cost 34000 and has a working width of 6 meters.

Devo Media

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters

CASE IH 3412 V1.0.0.0

November 14, 2021

12 Row none Chopping head with May-Wes Stalk Stompers

Case IH Corn Cutter

Case IH 2206

– 17000 €

Working width:
– 4.2m

Working speed:
– 10km/h

Case IH 2208

– 27000 €

Working width:
– 6m

Working speed:
– 10km/h

Devo Media

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters

CLAAS DIAMOND 900 V1.0.0.0

October 26, 2021

Claas Diamond 900 v1.0 FS19

Diamond 900

Price: € 47,000

Working speed: 13 km / h

Working width: 9 m

New brand: CLAASHUN

Color: Claas green, white

Extended service life

Delivery / working situation

Szerző: neo80


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters

FS19 New Holland CornSun
Corn and sunflower head
For Corn
For Sunflower


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters


October 4, 2021

Case Corn and Sunflower Header
Cressoni Compact 10
– Price: 80000 €
– Working Width: 7.8 metres
– Working Speed: 10 km/h
– 6 Attach Config
– 6 Color Config


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters

PONZO 3 ROWS V1.0.0.0

September 6, 2021

Hello, in order to harvest lavender in Provence you need a suitable cutter bar.
For this, the 3-row cutter bar with Ponzo nozzles will be useful to you. This cutter bar is preferably to be coupled to the Claas jaguar 800 forage harvester equipped and provided for this purpose.
The cutter is the Claas C450 cereal cutter base. It was then equipped with spouts from the Ponzo brand which will be used to cut the lavender just before cutting it.


Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters


August 31, 2021

*Release: MacDon PW8 Pick-Up*

I know it doesn’t give the crop you harvested it gives wheat but there is no way to fix that, at least of my knowledge. Hope it doesn’t ruin anything!

1. Regular (Straw)

2. Forage (Hay, Grass)

killerrf, Dimitri14, Convert to 19: VG Modding

Farming simulator 2019 mods / Cutters