Modifications 71766

FS17 Implements & Tools mods

In FS17 you face a number of challenges. Whether it‘s the daily grind of physical and mechanical labour or just managerial competence, many tasks require special skills to perform. That‘s why Implement and tool mod section fits all of your tool and implement mods to ease the load of physical and mechanical tasks. Bigger and better tools will help you do the tasks faster and you will have more time to develop, expand and calculate.

Bonjour a tous aujourd’hui je vous présente le Pack FS17 Kaercher Mobile HPW By BOB51160, vous trouverez 5 Kaerchers de 5 couleurs differente ( jaune couleur d’origine et bleu,vert,rouge,orange ) et 2 gyrophare en été ajouter,il fonctionne quand vous décrocher l’outil et pour l’éteindre de nouveau,vous devez l’accrocher au véhicule, pour plus de renseignement voir les photos, je vous souhaite bon jeu et de bonne fete de fin d’année. BOB51160.

Hello everyone today I present to you the Pack FS17_Kaercher_Mobile_HPW_By_BOB51160, you will find 5 Kaerchers of 5 different colors (yellow original color and blue, green, red, orange) and 2 beacon in summer add, it works when you pick up the tool and to turn it off again, you must hang it on the vehicle, for more information see the photos, I wish you good play and a happy New Year’s Eve. BOB51160.

Hallo allerseits, heute präsentiere ich euch das Pack FS17_Kaercher_Mobile_HPW_By_BOB51160. Sie finden 5 Kaerchers in 5 verschiedenen Farben (gelbe Originalfarbe und blau, grün, rot, orange) und 2 Leuchtfeuer im Sommer. Es funktioniert, wenn Sie das abholen Werkzeug und um es wieder auszuschalten, müssen Sie es an das Fahrzeug hängen, für weitere Informationen siehe die Fotos, ich wünsche Ihnen gutes Spiel und einen schönen Silvesterabend. BOB51160.


Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools


September 21, 2020

Volume: 12000 liters.
Working width: 12 meters.
Working speed: 20 km / h.
Recommended power: 270 hp
Cost: 123,000.
Sows wheat, barley, rapeseed, soybeans, corn, sunflowers, beets, grass, sowing radish.
Sows without preliminary tillage.

Version 3.1:
– Added potatoes, sugarcane and poplar.
– Replaced icon.
– Added fertilizers with a volume of 6000 liters.

The log is clean.

GIANTS,edit RT-mods

Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools

CLAAS K165 V1.0.0.0

September 21, 2020

Standard BREDAL spreader made for CLAAS technology.
Volume: 20,000 liters.
Working width: 24 meters.
Working speed: 20 km / h.
Cost: 67,000.
The log is clean.


Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools

This forest disc mulcher is the latest development from Lizard. Due to its robust and at the same time small design and his disc with 30-teeth, it is particularly well suited for cutting free and createing paths. Also suitable for cleaning areas.
Price: 18900€
Required hydraulic output : 30-44 GPM
Own weight: 1100Kg


Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools

Description: Hi Modhub Community. endlich ist es soweit. Nach unzähligen Stunden der Tests, Experimente und Fluchereien ist unsere Welger und der Krone Emsland im LS17. Deshalb präsentieren wir euch heute hier das komplette Paket zum Downloaden und selber Testen. Paketinhalt: Pressen von HD-Ballen Autoattach von HD-Ballen Getreide oder Ballen laden Abladeseite wählbar Konfigurieren im Shop/Werkstatt […]

Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools

CLAAS LINER 2700 V0.9.0.0

December 8, 2018

Description: Claas liner 2700 for Farming simulator 2017 Working width 7.4 meters Working speed 18 km/h price 21000€ Washable Authors: Model: 3D Molier Texture: 3D Molier & Thomas79 Script: Thomas79 Testing: Mat08500 dédé71 Guillaume79 Thomas79

Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools

Silage roller from Fliegl. The roller has a diameter of 61.5 centimeters and a width of 3 meters. Due to the high roll bars a thorough deep compaction is possible. The weight can be adapted to the tractor size because it can be filled with water. Authors: LsWelt, Gamer8250

Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools


November 30, 2018

A Tedder Pack in the 4 Turners of the brands Deutz, Claas, Krone, Pöttinger and Vicon with the type designation Condimaster 7621, KW 6.72 / 6, HIT 610 N and Fanex 763 vorhanden. Die reversers are identical and have with their 6 rotors a working width from 7.60 meters! The weight is 890 kg, so […]

Farming simulator 2017 mods / Implements & Tools