Farming simulator 2019 mods / Maps
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February 18, 2019

Description: FLUSSTAL XXL ENGLISH V2.0.0.5- 3 BIO GAS report issues for this map to free multiplayer community. V2.0.0.5 PreFinal 1 new bio gas plant – 3 in total Previous bio gas plants changed to full size plants (including new triggers) East Mann Rear trigger replaced, added grains Sea Port 1 trigger replaced Transport missions now in English and named properly 1 transport mission moved to mountain top restaurant with extra rewards Moved vehicle shop spawn farther forward from shop South sawmill wood chip trigger lowered New start vehicles.(everything you need to start) Secret mountain road smoothed (want it a little rough) all farms vehicles spawn at main shop (working on this) Reduced file size This is a PreFinal, please be picky and report any issues no matter the severity, if no errors the next version will be the final, with a fully built main farm (sell able) (farm in video is a preview of the almost done final version) ***having issues with a couple of the large husbandry as placeables or would of been in this version*** last tiny things, proper map icons, and other tiny cosmetic issues, the 3 bio gas plants need the cosmetics fixed due to the changes. Reduce file size more etc. FS19 Flusstal XXL New Sell Points Fly Over FS19 Flusstal XXL new default vehicles V2.0.0.4 Log Sales 1 new gasifier plant 2 sawmills, replaced sawmill south and Rear now complete sawmills with log sales. wood chip sales rear moved and now full size sawmill (Sawmill North), with logs and woodchip sales. Vehicle Spawn point for farm 3 changed to north shop. new shop in central city (main city now completely rebuilt) Shop and Farm Icons moved/added, Shop at central city now spawn vehicles for farm 1 and 2. 3 farm map icons added. both fs17 gas stations changed to new gas stations with lighting. sell point markings added to all sell points. rogers, moved beet pile to allow truck to drive around the plant. ligthting, many new lights added to city and sell points and intersections on highway. gate with triggers added to some sell points ATV Park map icon and now signed staging area with lights. majority of the cosmetics are complete textures trees etc. some tiny cosmetics still need to be completed while the sell point and gameplay is being verified. removed object from road on F10 removed atm in air F19 removed planters from old shop area ***Please check log and chip sales at new sawmills*** ***2 hidden roads can you find them both?*** **still can not find cars that are in game and not in editor, anyone that can help with this would be greatly appreciated! this next stage is the final stages, making sure the gameplay is functional and balanced. your input is very important to make a well rounded map. there should now be a balance of seel points for all areas of the map, this should make for a much better gameplay from many different locations. the sell points names I feel can also be imporved. looking for suggestions. If you feel there could be a better balance please feel free to suggest them. The next version will be updated missions, then a short test period then the final of this map. I will be using the forum on for support and issues with this map, to allow for future updates in and when needed. Version will be working on missions, and any issues found in V2.0.0.4 Change log 26 SELL POINTS V2.0.0.3 26 sell points in total 2 bio-gas plants 2 animal dealers shop moved to central city central city completely rebuilt with real houses, commercial building and lighting (more lighting next update). ground around all city roads have been fixed, no more drop off. more cosmetics needs to be done to central city. some textures have been added to main city. start of atv off-road course added to NW mountain range, diff lock required! (signing still needs to be done) all original sell points have been updated with new triggers and larger trigger area. 2 new roads! can you find them both? Change log V2.0.0.2 fixed all sell points all sell points are now in English poll sheds removed farm areas level and smoothed edges (had some rough edging) farm 1 area made larger, many trees removed, pushed back the mountains to allow for large husbandry. 1 new sell point Costco File size will drop drastically once final edits are complete. 3 cities from 3 different maps is making for large file size and will be reduced. Change log V1.0.0.0 BGA now fully on the ground, turned straight to be able to fill easier, all purchase silo's removed from farm start locations All building removed minus the big poll shed, now can place anywhere in the main farm area Main Farm Field levelled to allow for a much larger main farm no other changes made Original Flusstal XXL, converted and dumped. the map all 3 farm start locations are level smoothed edges and empty...... 35 fields of all sizes approximately 10 woods 3 courtyards 3 cities launch vehicles are also available on medium difficulty. if you find any mistakes, then please do not insult me ​​in the comments, but write me a pn with screenshot then i can take care of it. ole ole if the map is offered on other sites for download, please use the original link! donations via paypal: [email protected] field 1 (field01) : 19.965 ha - 49.334 ac field 2 (field02) : 9.489 ha field 3 (field03) : 30.373 ha field 4 (field04) : 4.294 ha field 5 (field05) : 1.836 ha field 6 (field06) : 7.816 ha field 7 (field07) : 121.937 ha field 8 (field08) : 21.263 ha field 9 (field09) : 17.673 ha field 10 (field10) : 9.606 ha field 11 (field11) : 9.114 ha field 12 (field12) : 7.657 ha field 13 (field13) : 7.633 ha field 14 (field14) : 10.485 ha field 15 (field15) : 16.381 ha field 16 (field16) : 16.366 ha field 17 (field17) : 22.028 ha field 18 (field18) : 8.533 ha field 19 (field19) : 21.934 ha field 20 (field20) : 17.428 ha field 21 (field21) : 47.885 ha - 118.326 ac field 22 (field22) : 8.680 ha field 23 (field23) : 2.335 ha field 24 (field24) : 28.093 ha field 25 (field25) : 32.293 ha field 26 (field26) : 6.610 ha field 27 (field27) : 9.429 ha field 28 (field28) : 30.370 ha field 29 (field29) : 37.936 ha field 30 (field30) : 8.359 ha field 31 (field31) : 5.365 ha field 32 (field32) : 11.878 ha field 33 (field33) : 13.735 ha field 34 (field34) : 8.537 ha field 35 (field35) : 10.715 ha field 36 (field36) : 6.990 ha Need all large animal husbandry for place-able without errors please let me know of any you find, prefer North American modern **New 4x 4 Farm Challenge Map coming soon** A true 4 farm map, all 4 farm locations, fields and sell points are evenly matched for the 4 main farms (competing for strategic lands), majority of fields can be easily combined without cutting down trees(could turn the map into a few extremely large fields), more realistic sell point locations and land property values, higher priced sell points are in the industrial area of the city and port, very few sell points outside the commercial areas. Checkout YouTube, i will be posting (streaming) the map creation. Authors: