Farming simulator 2017 mods / Maps
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September 26, 2017

Guide River Po FS17 by Vaszics 2.0 On the map, several major revisions were made. The main data of the 4x map: Factory BGA, Cannery (saladMix), Cake factory, Yogurt Factory, Refinery, Hmilk, Distillery, Sawmill, Sand, Sugar factory, Compost Master, Mill, OilMills, Potato Center (washed potato, steamed potatoes), Reibekuchen, Soya, Weberei, Pallet Eggfarm, Greenhouses (strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants), Greenhouses1 (tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, melon), Cardboard, Dairy, Fish (caviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal) , Noodles, Juice, Backwaren, Whiskey, Fermenting Silo, Dryer, Forage Factory, PigFood factory Store Bufallo Grill, Bufalo Grill1, Bale Storage, Building Market, CastlePub, City, City Grain, Farmshop, Gardencenter, Villa, Watermill, Fuel Sales, GrainMill, GrainTrans, Horse stable, Manure processing, Port of grainmill, , Construction, Fish1, Fish2, Fish3, Shop1, Shop2, Shop3, Fruit1, Fruit2, Fruit3 Products wheat, barley, rice, oat, hops, spelled, triticale, sugarBee, potato, onion, carrot, lettuce, grass_windrow, straw, dryGrass_windrow, chaff, silage, forage, pigFood, compost, woodChips, booze, beer, hmilk, sugar, flour, cake, cherry, plum, juice, saladMix, yogurt, cabbage, redCabbage, cookingOil, coleslaw, reibekuchen, steamed Potato, washed Potato, stoffrolleMK, empty pallet, egg, strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants , cardboard, yogurt1, condensedmilk, kefir, butter, kaviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal, noodless, tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, melon, bread, backwaren, whiskey. potato chips Number of fields 15 Each field is owned by grass 1. The map can also work with trained trains. To do this, the contents of the attached train / new directory must be copied to the correct location of the original FS17 program (it is recommended to copy it from the original library before copying). C: \ Program Files \ Farming Simulator 17 \ Farming Simulator 17 \ data \ vehicles \ train In this case, a trained and otherwise assembled trainset will travel. The power and capacity of some machines and equipment I use and suggested for the map have been changed. It is only recommended to use these devices, of course, everyone is using whatever equipment you want. I have attached the basic equipment I have proposed to the map (defaultVehicles \ new \ Machines and modes required directory). The Proposed machines and modes directory contains the modes that can help the game. Growth rate has been accelerated for arable crops. You can personalize it as you wish in the growthControl.lua file in FS17_GrowthControl mode by changing the current values. growthcontrol.maxnumfruits = 19; growthcontrol.fruitnames = {[0