Farming simulator 2019 mods / Packs
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November 15, 2021


Version 1.4
Changes to Placeable Pack
added! New fillTypes added to the sales outlets!
Changes in production pack
NEW! Food Factory & Grain Mill!
Changes to the tuning pack
no change!
Changes stock pack
no change!

Version 1.0
Last update on: 30 May 2021 19:00
Hello Community,

Today I present to you the first mod pack. In it, all the packs of mine are preserved. You will find in it the production, placeable, stock and the tuning pack.
From now on you only need one download to download all my mod packs.

What can I find in the production pack?
NEW Crude Oil Production
Europallet production with and without solar income
NEWFodder production for cows and pigs with and without solar income
Fertilizer production with and without solar income
Fuel production with and without solar income
Grass drying with and without solar income
NEWlime production with and without solar income
Meat processing factory
Milk factory with and without solar income
NEW fertilizer and seed factory with and without solar income
NEW Silage Fermenter
NEW Straw chopper
TMR mixer for the production of optimal cow feed
NEW pig feed production
Textile factory
Water pumping station

What can I find in the Lager Pack?
Fertilizer storage
fillable fueling station
Grass bale storage
Hay bale storage
Lime storage
Seed storage
Silage bale storage
straw bale storage

What can I find placeable pack?
Sale point Aldi South
NEW Cornbelt Hall 1
NEW Cornbelt Hall 2
NEW Cornbelt Hall 3
NEW Cornbelt Hall 4
Chicken coop for 2048 animals and without having to clean!
Cow barn for 2048 animals and without having to clean plus solar income
Horse stable for 16 animals and without having to clean
Pig barn for 2048 animals and without having to clean
Sheep barn for 2048 animals and without having to clean
Yard silo with a capacity of 2.5 million litres
Yard silo extension with an expanding capacity of 2 million litres
Sales trigger for all products from the production pack
single large wedge silo mass 45x60m
double large wedge silo mass 45x60m times 2
triple large wedge silo mass 45x60m times 3
Workshop with enlarged repair trigger

What can I find in the tuning pack?
Amazon Condor 15001 in NF edition
Amazon Condor 15001 in USA Edition
Bednar plough 18 metres
Bredal dune and lime spreader
Flexicoli plough 25.4 metres
Krampe SB3060 tipper
Kuhn FBP 3135 round baler for 32k bales
NEW Lizard MKS 32 specially adapted for Cornbelt!
Lizard MKS 100 specially adapted for Cornbelt!
NEW Ponse Scorpsion King with 20m cutting length
NEW Seed Hawk XL Toolbar 84FT
NEW Seed Hawk 980 Air Cart
Fendt 1000 Vario with more engine power
NEW Agco Attachment Weights 650, 1100, 1500 and 2300 with color choice

You can report errors via my DC server.
The mod pack may not be posted on other portals or forums without using the original download link!!!
The mod pack may only be modified with the written consent of ANDYsMODDING!


Modell: Kaster, FED Action, Gaints, ANDYsMODDING
Textur: Kaster, FED Action, Gaints, ANDYsMODDING
Script: LS-Modcompany
Idee / Konzept: ANDYsMODDING
Tester: ostseefarmer, 21john, kompi22, FarmManager