Modifications 71766

MSFS 2020 airports mods

According to the developers, Flight Simulator 2020 has close to 37,000 carefully and manually edited airports and airstrips from all over the world. More famous airports are recreated by the inch whilst other, lesser-known airstrips are manually-edited but AI-generated locations. However, you can always download a mod to have a more detailed rendition of any particular airport from around the world. Even the smallest or strangest airports are carefully detailed and recreated by mod authors and then published on our site. The best thing about it? They are all free.
Not all airport mods are the same. Some will be made with accordance to real-world details while others are going to be fictional or semi-fictionalized versions of real-world airports. Most modifications for MSFS 2020 are super easy to install and load. Just download the free airport mod from Gamersmods and drag and drop the files into your community folder. Properly launch the game and see how it looks in the game.
If you like mods, help us and the developers by rating them 5 stars or leaving a comment showing your appreciation. Don’t forget to check out other mod categories to improve the gameplay or completely change the way you play MSFS 2020.

Zagorje airfield (LJZA) v1.0.1

December 19, 2020

Zagorje ob Savi is a town 40 km east of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The Zagorje Aeroklub has a sloped grass runway over 400 meters long. The approach is a lot of fun due to the surrounding hills!

Rwy 04/22
Elevation 1090 ft

Currently there are only default FS buildings in the scenery. Maybe in a future version I could add self-built hangars… I have to study Blender first! Any help is welcome!

– unzip the “gio-airport-zagorje” folder into your “Community” folder.

If you like my job and want to contribute…




Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

This package contains: Adding missing military airbase Kaufbeuren (Fliegerhorst Kaufbeuren, former ICAO code: ETSK). There is almost no military traffic anymore (just some landing Eurofighters and some helicopters), but a flying club “Luftsportverein Kaufbeuren e.V.” is active there with gliders and some small piston aircrafts.

Features: Flatten of some areas, some minor terraforming including sloped runway, rework of the vegetation within the airport area, realistic frequency, some details with default objects. Correct airport frequency 122.365 MHz.

Made just with default sim objects, no custom objects yet.

Installation: Copy both folders “kfdesign-etsk” and “kfdesign-etsk-ortho” to “MSFS-Directory/Community/”. After restart of MSFS, the scenery will show up in your sim.

License: This package is free to use and for private and non-profitable purposes only.

Notice: This is Version 0.9. Maybe there will be some future updates.

Credits The imagery is based on the images provided by Google Earth Pro, dated 4/14/2018. GPS Coordinates: 47.86195905718895, 10.61456826067873



Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

This is my first airport designed with the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 SDK. This replaced the default KUGN – Waukegan National Airport that is found in the simulator. This modification provides a more realistic depiction of KUGN. For those unfamiliar, KUGN is located about 20 miles north of Chicago. It is home to a variety of business jets, general aviation aircraft, and has on occasion seen Air Force One (B757). It’s location to affluent northern Chicago suburbs makes it a convenient departure point for private air travelers or aircraft owners.

Changes from the default version of KUGN include:

More accurate hangar sizes, types, orientation, and location
Corrected RWY 5/23 coloratio
Correct VASI, markings, and lightin
Corrected RWY 14/3
Correct VASI, markings, and lightin
Added taxiway signs and ground marking
Holdshort marking
RWY marking
Parking T
Added taxiway lighting
Added ramp/hangar lighting
Added correct parking location
Added various static aircraft to provide more realis
Improved ground apron
Cleaned up satellite imagery
Not changed from default:

Potential Additions:

Finetune taxiway paths for A
Custom FBO buildin
Fence around approach ends of runway
Finetune taxiway lighting for consistency
Please feel free to provide feedback!

Install by adding “pilotguy121a-airport-kugn-edit1” to your Community folder.

GPS Coordinates: 42.421775, -87.866648


Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

EGHH Airport Update v0.8

December 15, 2020

EGHH Bournemouth update v0.9

– New taxiway and holding point update, centre line marking on one side and blue edge lighting on the opposite side as per Nats info.
– Updated runway to real markings
– Correct runway landing height
– Updated landing lighting to match real world
– Updated Papi lights so both sides work (only one side was just green)
– Replaced incorrect control tower (still need to make colideable)
– Corrected parking spots/ramps, added lighting and floor markings (stand numbers still to add)
– Updated aprons
– Added radio tower and small red building
– Updated carparks (lighting to improve model made ready)
– Added perimeter fencing + some internal fencing
– Add fuel tankers
– Added Cobham Hanger (Thanks to TerrifyingPanda for the model and texture work)
– Added some lighting – more to follow
– Added more GA parking
– Added AI ATC function with taxi to Gate (taxi back to GA does not work yet)

Currently working on
Main passenger terminal

Planned Work
– Add Gamma Aviation Hangar
– Add orange lights to holding points (awaiting SDK)
– Add more floor text for parking plus continue to replace buildings
– Add Parkfield School
– Add passenger hub (Model now made working on textures)
– and more….

Feedback welcome and encouraged! It will help make this even better!

If anyone wishes to contribute, please feel free to join us on discord:


Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

Midsjællands Glider club is a merger between three glider clubs, Ringsted, Næstved and Slagelse It’s a very popular little airfield where many gliders are located and central placed for great glider experiences over central Denmark

Textures by Jacob Engelmann Olsen

GPS Coordinates: 55.45216471845956, 11.641430825397592

Claus Hansen

Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

PAAT-US Coast Guard Station Attu, Aleutian Islands v1.0

PAAT-Casco Cove US Coast Guard Station Attu Island

Attu is a isolated and remote place 2.383 km. west of Anchorage. The servicemen on the station called it “The Last Place on Earth”. During WW2 the station was a top seceret LORAN station, but with the new GPS era, its lost it importance after 66 years of service, and in August 2010 the last Coast Guardman left the island, and left it completely uninhabited.

Flying to and from the island is hazardous due to the extreme and unpredictable weather in the region, but the runway are maintained for EMM landings. If you see lights at night at the old station, it will be scientist or servicemen on expedition to Attu. I have placed a fuelspot on the apron for your convenience. Check out my other sceneries in the region.

The scenery is created with MSFS SDK and stock objects only. just unzip and put the paat folder into your MSFS community folder.
The airport will be updated according to SDK improvements.

Hope You will enjoy flying to Attu

GPS Coordinates: 52.8802037,173.1431842


Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

In this scenery I have added some GA parking spots and static planes, static elements, hangars, fence and night lighting.
To my knowledge, this airport doesn’t have runway lights.
There are no custom buildings in this scenery, I only used buildings curently available in the SDK.

Installation instructions:
Please unzip and copy “Airport CZNL Nelson-v1.0” folder in your MSFS Community folder.


GPS Coordinates: 49.492526, -117.303217


Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports

In this scenery I have added some GA parking spots and static planes, static elements, hangars, fence and night lighting.
To my knowledge, this airport doesn’t have runway lights.
There are no custom buildings in this scenery, I only used buildings curently available in the SDK.

Installation instructions:
Please unzip and copy “Airport CBS8 AlberniValley-v1.1” folder in your MSFS Community folder.


GPS Coordinates: 49.321817, -124.930905


Flight Simulator 2020 mods / Airports